Bits and Pieces Everywhere
My fuel cell is back in the shop of its manufacturer, BLM Accessories. After I sent the dimensions to the IBA tech team, I found that it's too big for the rally. Bill M is going to install a bit of displacement metal, and then ship it to Tom A for measurement, blessing, and certification. Better to get this fixed now than in a parking lot in South Carolina.
Another part miles away from home is my Autocom unit. This item had a defect right out of the box which prevented the cell phone from working. Even though I bought it from a dealer in the USA, I had to mail it back to England to be repaired. Hopefully it survived the US and international postal system and made it to its home country.
I also have a big chunk of bodywork off. The PHID aux lights that came with the bike have always needed attention. Unfortunately I didn't notice this until after I bought the bike, but the ballasts had been installed so that they interfered with the windshield motor. Every time I adjusted the windshield up or down, it would rub against the ballast. So off came all the bodywork. I relocated the ballasts to the center of the nose cone where hopefully they will fit properly.
Also going in at this time is the HID low beam kit I bought back in October. It shouldn't be a problem to properly squeeze in another set of ballasts and ignitors, but we'll see how that goes. Miscellaneous jobs were a repair to the glove box door latch, and a minor windshield motor farkle. Last but not least I have to fix something I broke while doing this job. The windshield mount is made of extremely soft metal. Part of it broke in my hand while I was removing it. That part should be waiting for me when I return to the office next week.
My training rides are just about done. April is an off month. In May I'm finishing the courthouse series, as well as doing a bit of off road practice with some LD pals. We're celebrating with an RTE in Hanford, featuring a house party and some home made gumbo. We've gotten a pretty good response already to the RTE. I'll post a reminder closer to the event and see if that snags any more attendees. Then in June I'm doing the Cal 24, my only rally this year prior to the Butt. And that's it. The SJC10K may turn out to be less than 10K. And that's OK.
Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial
3 years ago
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